Thursday, August 18, 2011

The Greatest Power On the Planet

Buying Local In the Global Economy

We have all chosen to buy lots of ‘cheap’ and ‘convenient’ stuff as we have lived the good lifestyle on plentiful natural resources while accumulating thoughtless and irresponsible debt.  Cheap stuff comes at a very high price. 

We are all responsible for our current economic crisis and the shortage of jobs.  Take a close look at what you have bought the last few years….   We can also change things – starting right now – to develop the best economic position possible for our future.

Many people apparently think ‘buy local’ means shopping for imported stuff on sale at the neighborhood big box store.  Lusting over imported manufactured stuff has exported our money and our jobs.   American industry and jobs have crumbled away.   We export our natural resources, ship materials half way around the world, minimize labor and production costs, ship the products back half way around the world – then complain we have recession and unemployment!!

Every purchase you make is a real vote that immediately counts to affect the future of our planet.  Every purchase you make builds up the company and country where the thing is from.   Every purchase you make has a political effect too, as the big companies exert real and immediate influence on our politicians.

We have created this monster we face today with our selfish and short-sighted purchases.  We can choose to change this now – just stop feeding the monster and it will go away.

How to “Create Jobs”
Today, most of the stuff we buy is made in a big factory with big machines and robots and likely in another country.  Government Regulations and Legal Lawsuits make labor very expensive in America.  Americans everyday are more lazy and fat - and in love with welfare, and the lottery.   Then we say, “we must create more jobs….”

All the politicians talk about creating jobs, yet fail to address the real problems.  Government does a thousand times more to discourage American jobs than the feeble efforts of talk and “stimulus”. 

As a business owner – one thing would get me to hire more employees – SALES!!  Government on the State and Federal Level has been a huge hindrance to my business for decades.  They should just get out of the way – today more than ever!

Globalization has CHANGED the planet
The internet – instant global communications – is the most amazing creation ever.  The airplane is second.  Earth – our economics – has truly changed and there is no going back.

Everyone needs to travel and watch the rest of the world to have a realistic picture of where you fit into the big picture and your effect on others.  Most people choose to be ignorant and don’t want to believe their lifestyle is very wasteful and damaging to the planet.

Homo Sapiens are being Homogenized.  Worker wages are being pressured to a more common-ground level.  High paid American workers will get less in the future and workers in the Far East will demand more.  There is no stopping this trend – a wise person will work within it to arrive at the best position possible for themselves.

We are mixing it up today around the world – nothing is hidden and there is no excuse for ignorance.  Seeing how much we are all about the same is our best hope for survival now.  We are all in this together and better learn to get along.

The Most Powerful Force On Earth
The best chance we have is to rebuild our local economies and communities that have been destroyed by the big corporations.  We created them ourselves with our lusts for cheap and convenience, and we can change the world by making smarter spending decisions - from now on.  The American Woman – the Shopper – is the most powerful force on earth today.  The Shopper has the free choice to support whatever company and country with the power of their purchase.  The Shopper is the one who can create jobs with their votes.  Every single vote counts.

Simple Steps to Change the Economy:
  1. Buy As Local As Possible
  2. Buy from a company As Small As Possible
  3. Drive as little as Possible
  4. Do the Opposite (of what got us here)

Big is Bad – most of the time….
Generalizations are not all true, but the long term trends now show the route we are going - being dominated by bigger and bigger corporations that dominate the Government also – are not good or sustainable for most humans. 

Do the opposite of what the big corporations and their puppet politicians want you to do.
Be discerning when listening to their talk. 
If you feed the monster – don’t complain when you get bitten!

People all over are very angry, fearful, and without much hope. 

There is HOPE
The American Dream of one person making a difference is now a Global Possibility for any human being.   The information and tools are becoming more freely available everywhere today.   Grab Globalization and take advantage of the good alternatives.

Most people may not care, but for those who choose – great opportunities are present today.  has detailed articles

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Big Corporations and Big Government

The Big Powers Are Fighting to Maintain Their Dominance Today – they should be freaking out!
The government is controlled by the big corporations – they will never really help the little people.
The Media is controlled by the big corporations – they will never really care about the little people.
All they care about is money and power.

Globalization is not going well for us here See the Trends!

A simple change is needed to fix things as best they can be fixed.
All we have to do is look at the resources we have and use them to meet our needs.
All we have to do is buy local as possible.

We have to do this ourselves  Let’s Us Average People  Stimulate Our Economy - Starting Right Now!
Stop exporting our jobs and $$    Keep  our Money and Jobs local

We can fix the economy immediately by choosing to buy as local as possible from companies as small as possible

Buy value with the big picture in mind.

This needs to be a mass effort – all the little people need to band together to deal with the big powers.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

They Better Be Freaking Out

“They all better be freaking out!”  Wael Ghonim   Feb 13, 2011
   A free news media got this one right – spotlighting this hero and his message.

People are really angry right now – after decades and centuries of repression.

The small people can take the power now – in many many ways  The Internet is the Greatest Equalizer - Ever

Politics is in the news, but there is a greater revolution needed

The economy and jobs is the really big underlying issue and just as prone to a new coup.

Buyer’s Revolution – buy smart to gain your freedom and get back your wealth.
Our daily purchasing decisions are the largest force in the world.
We vote for our future with every single purchase we make – each vote truly counts and has an immediate effect.

Don’t be fooled, don’t accept being dominated – Our culture has become captive to convenience.  This is not sustainable!

People all want their freedom and rights   “Resistance”  “Revolution”  are being voiced all over – Let us Act Together.

People all want peace   People all want Love
    Disruptive insurgents need to be seen and eliminated.   We need to learn to act smart.  discriminating

Every Single Person Counts today –
Every single person has a chance – if they can get online gives them a better chance
Every single vote counts in this opportunity to choose our future

This is how we can change our world – instant global communication.
   We need to concentrate – focus on the common purpose and weed out the few insurgents that incite violence.
We need a focused message – a common purpose – a mission

Leaders should use this opportunity of the internet to listen and learn and keep up to date with the people.

Most Big Powers are out of touch and won’t pay attention.   Small people need to join together in a common purpose.

Instant Global Communication shows us we are all the same - really
“They all better be freaking out!”  Wael Ghonim   Feb 13, 2011

The small people can take the power now –  in many many ways

Buyer’s revolution – buy smart to gain your freedom and get back your wealth.
Don’t be fooled, don’t accept being dominated

People all want their freedom and rights

People all want peace

Every Single Person Counts today –
Every single person has a chance
Every single vote counts in this opportunity to choose

This is how we can change our world

Leaders should use this opportunity to listen and learn and keep up to date with the people.